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A Few Days Hiking Out West….(Part One: Shumla Ranch and Eagle Nest Canyon)

On Friday, January 27, 2017, I headed west for a few days of fellowship, camping, hiking, and exploration.  Friday morning I left my home at Lake McQueeney and drove to...

A Few Days Hiking Out West….(Part Two: Hiking Alamo Mountain With a Celebrity)

After a nice dinner and a movie with Billy Ward, I turned in early Saturday night.  Early Sunday morning (January 29, 2017) I left Billy’s Ranch and drove to a...

Huffing, Puffing, Stretching, and Why I Love Amazon Prime

As I prepare to tackle the Inca Trail in April, I have been looking for ways to maximize my overall fitness, as well as minimize the discomfort that comes along...

Where the Cowboys Go

Yesterday I drove over to Hill Country State Natural Area, located about ten miles outside of Bandera, Texas.  Bandera bills itself as “The Cowboy Capital of the World”.  As I...

Stairway to Heaven (River Place Trail)

  This morning I left the house at 6:15 am and drove 65 miles to the River Place Trail, which is located in North Austin, Texas.   It is a...

Happy Trails!

  Yesterday I had an early doctor’s appointment and afterwards I went out to Friedrich Wildnerness Park and did the 2 mile Main Loop Trail.  Unfortunately,  the steep part of...

A New Pair of Boots

As I continue to prepare for Peru, taking care of my feet during training, as well as on the Inca Trail, has been a concern.  I have an old pair...

Thanksgiving 2016: A Quick Trip To a Couple of New Mexico Classics

During the Fall of 2016 I was a full-time student at Texas State University, so my rock art travel was pretty limited.  But I was able to squeeze in a...

Protected: Dragon Fly, The Video

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post....

The 2016 Pecos Conference, With Some Rock Art Thrown In For Good Measure

My visit to the 2015 Pecos Conference was pretty much a bust due to me cutting off part of my left index finger, so I decided to give it a...