Capped Heron

Pilherodius pileatus

The Birds of the World website introduces the The Capped Heron with this descriptive information:  An attractive heron, if slightly odd in appearance, the Capped Heron is a resident of South American forested swamps, river courses and small pools.  Although it seems adaptable to any habitat with water and has a wide distribution, it usually occurs only at low densities.  Often seen flying along rivers or feeding in pools, the Capped Heron can be conspicuous, and easily is identified by its silvery white body plumage, black cap and striking blue face. In flight, it is best distinguished from other white herons by its small size and rapid, choppy flight style. The sole member of the genus Pilherodius, the Capped Heron is superficially simlar to the night-herons, but does not share their nocturnal feeding habits nor their distinctive juvenile plumage.

I met my first Capped Heron on Thursday morning, August 24, 2023.  Our Jeff Parker Tour group had been staying at Southwild’s Fazenda Santa Tereza and on this morning we were headed south on the Transpantaneira Highway enroute  to Porto Jofre and ultimately the Jaguar Flotel.  It was along the Transpantaneira that I watched and photographed this bird.  I saw a number of this morning, but by far my best photo was a pair of the lovely Herons.  For details of my Brazilian trip that include the sighting of this bird, look here.  Below is my photo of a beautiful pair of Capped Herons and another photo of a single Capped Heron.