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Captivating Costa Rica, Part 1: A Couple of Days on My Own

Ever since I dipped my toe into the fascinating world of bird watching, I had heard rumors that the birds of Costa Rica were a must see.  When I took...

Protected: Hanging With Little J.D.

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A Quick Trip To The Valley: Two Teddys and a No-Show

A couple of weeks ago I was talking with my good friend Tom Reiser and he mentioned that his grandson Teddy was attending the Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas. ...

Protected: A Couple of Videos From a Quick Trip To the Rio Grande Valley

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Thoughts on Becoming a Fungonian

What led me to consider becoming a Fungonian?  It was one part disgust, and one part desire.  I was disgusted at my weight, my looks, and my disastrous addiction to...

Protected: Little J.D. Conquers Christmas, 2022

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A Trip To Visit “The Child of The Sun”

Early December of 2022 found my wife Dorothy feeling much better after her extended battle with breast cancer.  And I was itching to start on what I decided to call...

Protected: Thankful For Thanksgiving With Little J.D.

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