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Neotropical Nirvana– Three Days At The Texas Coast

On my January 2021 birding trip to the Valley, I had the good fortune to meet a gentleman from Dallas named Steve Jordan.  Steve and I had a lot in...

Protected: A Video From A Neotropical Paradise….

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A Day In The Life of an Owl

As you may know, I am fascinated by owls (see Owlmania).  I enjoyed watching a Barred Owl on an almost daily basis during the Summer  and early Fall of 2020. ...

Protected: Seven Months Old Already?!! Looking Good J.D.!

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Protected: The Great Blizzard of 2021– Videos For the Grandkids

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Protected: JD vs. The Spoon

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Protected: Four Months Old Already?! Congratulations JD!

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Megaticks and Dips– A Return To The RGV

As Christmas 2020 approached, I began to see rare bird alerts that an extremely rare bird, the Spotted Rail, was seen and continued to be seen at the Calliham Unit...

Protected: Joy! Joy! Joy! — JD’s First Christmas

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