Green-and-rufous Kingfisher
Chloroceryle inda
The Birds of the World website introduces the Green-and-rufous Kingfisher with this descriptive information: Of the five species of more or less exclusively Neotropical kingfishers, the Green-and-rufous Kingfisher is arguably one of the most attractive. Both sexes have the head and most of the upperparts green, although the wings and tail are delicately spotted with white, while most of the underparts are rufous, becoming more yellow over the collar in males, whereas females possess a green-and-white breast band, pale spotting on the green forehead, and an even paler throat and neck sides. It is significantly larger than the similarly plumaged American Pygmy Kingfisher (Chloroceryle aenea). This kingfisher is found around streams and rivers, from southeast Nicaragua south through the rest of Central America and across much of the northern two-thirds of South America, south as far as eastern Paraguay.
I met my first Green-and-rufous Kingfisher on Saturday afternoon, August 26, 2023. Our Jeff Parker Tour group was staying at Southwild’s Jaguar Flotel and on this afternoon we were on a boat excursion exploring neary waterways when we spotted this bird, perched in a small tree near the tight channel. For details of my Brazilian trip that include the sighting of this bird, look here. Below are a few of my photos of this attractive Kingfisher.