Two Serpents Gallery

I visited the Two Serpents Petroglyph Site (my name for the site) on the early morning of Wednesday, May 26, 2021.  I was quite proud of myself for finding this obscure site!  For my blog post that includes my visit to this special place, look here.  For directions to this site, look here.  Below are some of the photos I took on the morning of my visit.  I hope you enjoy them!

I Took This First Group of 20 Photos With My Nikon P1000…

This is one of the first photos I took of the Two Serpents in the early morning light.
A slightly different view of the magnificent Two Serpents Panel.
My view from about half-way up as I climbed up to the Two Serpents.
Almost there!
The zoomorph sticks out in the area to the right of the Two Serpents but as you get closer there are lots of interesting elements, including a spiral snake.
An unusual isolate in the area.
In this closer view of the panel to the right of the Two Serpents, you can see the spiral serpent and what appear to be the remnants of some black pictographs.
Another shot of the Two Serpents in the continually changing morning light.
The area to the left of the Two Serpents contains some interesting art.
The light was not cooperating on this shot.
There is a lot going on here.
The body of the long necked figure reminds me of some elements at the nearby Abo Site.
The Two Serpents from a little different angle.
A little detail of the area to the immediate left of the Two Serpents.
This angle shows a portion of the draw/canon that the Two Serpents watch over from their high perch on the cliff.
I think the sun was at its brightest for this shot.
This horizontal boulder in front of the panels had some very old looking petroglyphs on it.
Look to the left of the crack on the right. Do you see what looks like a black pictograph of an anthropomorph.
My trusty Outback, below the Two Serpents. This picture does not show how steep the climb up is.
I took this shot from the road, using the great telephoto capabilities of my P1000.

The Following 12 Photos Were Taken With My Samsung S9 Cellphone…

Al little different take on the area to the right of the Two Serpents.
The secondary panel to the left of the main panel.
Yes, I was really there that morning!
The horizontal panel. This is an example of how my cellphone sometimes shows more details than my other cameras.
I really like this shot even though it was cloudy at the time.
One of my favorite shots of the Two Serpents, very clear.
Is that a dog figure beneath the deer?
This photo clearly shows the tail end of the spiral snake and the unusual disk nearby.
The head portion of the spiral snake and what appears to be a black pictograph of an anthropomorph.
A closer shot of the remains of this intriguing pictograph.
More detail of the spiral snake tail. Note the black painted lines above, and again, the unique disk element.

These Last 9 Photos are Cropped and Enlarged In An Attempt to Show More Details…

Details of the top portion of the Two Serpents Panel.
More detail of the head area of the interesting!
Detail of the middle section of the Two Serpents. Some interesting differences.
The left panel at the Two Serpents site in a little more detail.
Is that a long legged bird in the center? Look at the details of the flute player...
Is that a face with the upper part of the head formed by a natural feature in the rock.
Another circular bodied zoomorph of some kind?
Note sure these last two photos are as good as my up close cell phone pictures above.
One final picture...