Poverty Hills Galleries
I visited the Poverty Hills Sites (Iny-269 and Iny-270) on the late afternoon/early evening of Saturday, May 22, 2021. Directions to the Main Site at Poverty Hills (Iny-269): From the intersection of Hwy. 395 and Hwy. 168 in Big Pine, California, go south on 395 for approximately 7.87 miles then turn right (west) on Fish Springs Rd.; go .46 miles then turn left on Birch Creek Rd.; go .91 miles on Birch Creek Rd., then turn right on Tinemaha Rd. and go .12 miles to the southeast knoll, which has the largest number of petroglyphs. This is Iny-269, the Main Site at Poverty Hills. To get to Iny-270, which I call the Poverty Hills Annex, go back to Tinemaha Rd. and turn right. The Annex is on the cliffside/bluff to your left as you travel a short distance down this road. Look here for Google Earth Maps and a Site Drawing of the main site. I spent about an hour and a half exploring two of the knolls at the Main Site (Iny-269), then went over and took a look at The Annex (Iny-270) from the road. The petroglyphs are mostly in the Curvilinear Style, and there are quite a few. Unfortunately many of them have weathered and/or faded. There is much more to see at these sites (my time was very limited this visit), and I hope to to revisit them at some point in the future. To see my blog about the trip that included my visit to Poverty Hills, look here. I hope you enjoy my photos!
Photos From The Main Site at Poverty Hills (Iny-269)

Photos From Poverty Hills Annex (Iny-270)
Note– The Photos Above (At Iny-269) Were Taken With My Nikon D7200. The Photos Below (At Iny-270) Were Taken With My Nikon P1000 With Its Ability To Capture Images At Long Distance (Since This Site Was On A Much Higher Cliff Area).