Yesterday I drove over to Hill Country State Natural Area, located about ten miles outside of Bandera, Texas. Bandera bills itself as “The Cowboy Capital of the World”. As I got on the small farm road leading out to the park, I passed a number of dude ranches and, at the park, learned it has a special camping area for people who are bringing their horses. I had called ahead and was told that the park would not open until noon, so that the hunters could clear out (it was the last day of hunting season). I arrived a little before noon, checked in, got a map and plotted the course for a hike that would give me a little elevation. I was on the trail just a few minutes after noon. I hiked portions of the Spring Branch Trail, the West Peak Overlook Trail, and part of the Wilderness Trail to make a 5 mile loop. My GPS showed 4.97 miles with 1,501 feet of elevation change. Some of the trails were quite rocky in spots, and it was good practice for me to remember to be careful with each step to avoid turning an ankle or falling. It was a beautiful day of hiking, and I look forward to exploring more trails in this park. I want to thank my friend Jackie (who owns a really great eatery in New Braunfels, ( for recommending this place to me!
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