Dinwoody Style Petroglyph Sites Along Trail Lake Road
Over the course of several days during August, 2018, we visited a number of Dinwoody Style Sites that have public access from Trail Lake Road (also signed as Forest Road 411). We stayed at Ring Lake Ranch (see my blog entitled “In Search of a Boy and His Dog” under Blog/Rock Art Excursions, and the Ring Lake Gallery, under Rockart Galleries), and were able to see all the rock art on their private access land. But, facing and overlooking Trail Lake (across the road and the lake from the Ring Lake Ranch Sites) there is public access to some wonderful Dinwoody Style petroglyphs. As you drive in on Trail Lake Road, if you keep a sharp eye out, you can see freestanding boulders with petroglyphs on them. Unfortunately, most of these are on private land and are posted as such, but with a long lenses you can certainly capture some pretty good photos. Below are the photos I took in this area, as well as a Google Earth map that shows the approximate areas where the petroglyphs are located. Enjoy!