(Aix sponsa)

eBird provides the following description of the Wood Duck:  Breeding males are stunning with ornate, colorful patterns visible up close; appears dark overall at a distance. Females gray-brown with thin white eye-ring. Crest on head. Found in wetlands and flooded woods. Flies through trees with exceptional maneuverability, thanks to its long tail. Often shy and quick to flush. Call is a loud, screeching whistle.  This bird was nearly extinct around 1900 due to over hunting, but is doing well now.

It is not uncommon to see this bird on the lake where live (Lake McQueeney) or in New Braunfels at Landa Park, or on the Comal River at my mother-in-laws house.  As a result, I have been able to get some decent pictures of this beautiful duck.  I hope you enjoy them!

April 14, 2020, Wood Duck on the fence at Betty's house on the Comal River, New Braunfels, Texas.
April 14, 2020, in the Comal River, in front of Betty's home.
A young female Wood Duck in a tree across the river from Betty's house in New Braunfels, April 8, 2020.
Male Wood Duck on my neighbor's dock at Lake McQueeney, May 5, 2020.
Male and female pair of Wood Ducks at Lake McQueeney, May 5, 2020.