(Catharus fuscescens)
eBird describes the Veery this way: Warm-colored thrush, with bright reddish-brown tones above, buffy breast, and white belly. Spots are indistinct and washed out, concentrating on upper breast. Beautiful song is cascading spiral of flute-like notes. Found in a variety of wooded habitats, often favoring wetter areas. Winters in South and Central America; very rare in the U.S. after October, unlike Hermit Thrush.
I have seen this little thrush on two occasions at Warbler Woods. Hard to believe such a delicate little bird migrates all the way from Brazil!
“Cool Facts” About the Veery From All About Birds…
- Long thought to winter across the northern third of South America, but a recent study indicated that, in fact, the wintering grounds of the Veery are restricted to central and southern Brazil.
- A study of migration using radio telemetry showed that the Veery can fly up to 285 km (160 mi) in one night, and that it can fly at altitudes above 2,000 m (1.2 mi).
- The Veery’s scientific name reflects its vocal prowess as well as its plumage coloring. Catharus comes from the Greek katharos, for “pure”—probably a reference to the quality of its song. Fuscescens, from the Latin fuscus, means “dusky.”
- Veeries and many other songbirds migrate long distances at night. Many of these migrants alternate flapping with coasting, but Veeries may flap continuously throughout an entire night’s flight. Their efficient wings carry them over longer transoceanic routes than other thrushes can manage, on relatively small stores of fat.
- One place Veeries breed is in damp areas near beaver wetlands. As beavers make a comeback from extensive hunting, these wetlands are on the increase—possibly good news for Veery populations.
- Brown-headed Cowbirds often lay their eggs in Veery nests. Veery parents tolerate (or don’t recognize) the interlopers’ eggs and young. In one encounter, adults even fought off a snake that had attacked a cowbird fledgling. Nesting in thorny shrubs may help protect against cowbirds.
- The oldest known Veery—a banded male—was at least 13 years old when researchers recaptured and released him during banding operations in Delaware in 2010.