Slickhorn Canyon Pictograph, Fall, 2013.

Slickhorn Canyon Rock Art Galleries and Outdoor Museum Artifact Galleries

In late October of 2013 I did a five day backpack into Slickhorn Canyon on Cedar Mesa in southeastern Utah with Vaughn Hadenfeldt of Far Our Expeditions (Bluff Utah).  Below are galleries that contain pictures of the rock art that I took on that trip with my Fuji XF One as well as galleries of the artifacts I photographed in the canyon during our trip.  I had very little experience photographing rock art, so the quality is not great, but I hope you enjoy them anyway.  There was an abundance of rock art in the canyon and several different styles of both petroglyphs and pictographs.  Due to Vaughn’s experience and expertise, I was also able to view and photograph many amazing artifacts that are part of the “Outdoor Museum” in Slickhorn Canyon.  The dry desert climate provides an unbelievable amount of preservation and I felt very fortunate to experience this aspect of our hike.  This trip in general, and the artifacts I saw in Slickhorn in particular, were the foundation and origin of my desire to go and get an Anthropology degree with an emphasis on Archaeology.  Hope you enjoy all the galleries contained in this page!

Slickhorn Canyon Rock Art Galleries

Slickhorn Canyon Outdoor Museum Artifact Galleries