The Basket Site in Rosy Canyon
On March 16, 2018, I visited the Basket Site in Rosy Canyon, Arizona, with a small group of Utah Rock Art Research Association (URARA) friends. The site is located just off Cane Beds Road in Northern Arizona just south of the Utah Border. The weather was bright and clear, and there was still some snow on the ground from the night before. This was an interesting little site, with a small ruin, some pictographs, and some excellent petroglyphs. The site is probably best known for its namesake basket petroglyphs. Hope you enjoy my photos! To see my blog post that covers the trip that includes my visit to Rosy Canyon, look here. You can also see a trip report on the Dixie Archaeology Society website that gives some insight into some interpretations of the site by looking here.
These First Two Galleries Were Taken With My Samsung S7 Cellphone…
The Following Two Galleries Were Taken With My Nikon D7200 Camera…
A Few Photos From Rosy Canyon In D-Stretch…
And, Last But Not Least, A Cropped Element From Rosy Canyon With Some Interesting Detail…