On the afternoon of June 17, 2018, I visited the “Many Hands” pictograph site in Natural Bridges National Monument. This site is reached by taking the Sipapu Bridge Trail to the bottom of the canyon, then heading downstream toward Horsecollar Ruins. Shortly before you get to Horsecollar, the alcove containing the Many Hands pictograph site is located on your right. Look for a trail that ascends a small sandy knoll off to the right of the main trail — the alcove is not visible from the main trail on the canyon bottom, but comes into view as you hike up the small knoll on the right. I stopped by the site, then went and explored the Horsecollar Ruin. I met a couple at Horsecollar that had missed Many Hands, so I hiked back with them and showed them were it was located. It is an interesting little site! To see my blog post that covers the trip that included my visit to the Many Hands Site in Natural Bridges, look here. I hope you enjoy my photographs….