A small petroglyph panel I spotted between Horseshoe Gallery and Handprint Alcove in Horseshoe Canyon, March 21, 2018.


While Horseshoe Canyon is known primarily for it’s Barrier Canyon style pictographs, there are a few petroglyphs in the canyon.  I found two small panels  —  one across from the High Gallery, where a talus slope meets the canyon wall, and another between Horseshoe Gallery and Handprint Alcove.  The one across from High Gallery has a few big horn sheep and some abstract elements.  This small panel is not on a patinized surface and the petroglyphs are hard to make out.  The main element of the other small panel is easier to see, but is nothing extravagant.  There are probably a lot more to be found in the canyon…perhaps another time!  Here are the photos I took of the petroglyphs.  To see my blog post covering the trip that includes my visit to Horseshoe Canyon, look here

D-Stretch can sometimes help with petroglyphs...here are two from the panel across from High Gallery...