Buckskin Gulch Galleries
On March 15, 2018, I visited two small rock art sites in Buckskin Gulch, Arizona, with a small group from the Utah Rock Art Research Association (URARA). The trailhead is off House Rock Valley Road (south of Highway 89) about halfway to the Utah-Arizona border. We hiked a short distance to the first panel, which contained what appeared to be very old petroglyphs, mostly of zoomorphs. A little further along the gulch we came to the second panel, which was located high above the gulch floor on a cliff. The second panel was much more complex, with some interesting elements. Hope you enjoy my photos from that day! To see my blog post (titled “March 2018 Solo Trip: Filling In The Gaps of My Rock Art Resume”) which includes my visit to Buckskin Gulch, look here.