Detail of the Tazzy Tiger element that shows the dog like snout and ears.

The Tazzy Tiger Cave Galleries

After spending time at The Bottom Gallery on the morning of Saturday, September 14, 2019, Locky and I climbed up to Tazzy Tiger Cave.  The signature image at the small cave/shelter is of a Tazzy Tiger, which has been extinct for over 4,000 years.  Some anthropologists think the Tazzy Tiger became extinct when the Dingos (which were superior predators) arrived.  This site also contains an image of a Dugong, a species much like a manatee.  Hope you enjoy my photos of this place!

A Video of Tazzy Tiger Cave at Mt. Borradaile...

The gallery and video above were taken with my Samsung S9 cell phone.  The gallery and pictures below were taken with my Nikon D7200 camera.

The Tazzy Tiger...note the dog like ears and snout, and the stripes on the back.
Aussie etiquette...Locky's hat comes off in Tazzy Cave.