The Harold Price, Sr. Residence
7211 No. Tatum
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
I paid a “Drive-by” visit to this house on the afternoon of January 4, 2024, during my visit to the Phoenix area. I was disappointed with the views and photographs my visit afforded, since it was not possible to get very close to this residence. I did the best I could, but did not really get a good sense of what this house was all about. But, Douglas M. Steiner’s site, The Wright Library, includes a study of the Price Sr. House that includes over 250 photos, both interior and exterior. From the photos, it is apparent that this home contains a lot of unique features, but, in this humble writer’s opinion, the preponderance of rough gray blocks in the interior spaces does not do the design justice. Here are some of the photos I took that afternoon.