The Frank and Eloise Bott Residence
3640 N. Briarcliff Road
Kansas City, MO 64116
Dorothy and I visited the Bott Residence at 1:30 p.m. on the afternoon of Sunday, March 26, 2023. Frank Lloyd Wright designed this home in 1956 for the Botts. Frank Botts was in the business of running dairy farms, and his wife was an investor of some note. Homer Williams is the current owner, having bought the house 37 years ago from the Bott estate. Homer purchased almost all the contents of the house (including art objects), except for several oriental screens, which were very, very expensive. All of the furniture is original and was designed by Wright. Mr. Williams has painstakingly kept the residence in original condition for these past 37 years. It is a remarkable structure, and a joy to experience! For more details about our visit to the Bott house, see my blog post here. I hope you enjoy my photos of this beautiful and unique Frank Lloyd Wright creation! And thank you Mr. Homer Williams for allowing us to visit your beautiful home, and for your generosity and kindness.
One Final Picture From the Bott House: The View of Downtown Kansas City and the Missouri River From the Living Room Terrace…

Bott House Floor Plans…