The Raymond Carlson Residence
1123 Est Palo Verde Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85013
I visited this unusual residence on the afternoon of January 4, 2024. To see my blog post that includes my visit to this house, look here. This house is barely visible from the street, so much so that I started not to include it. But the house is unusual in two respects. First, it is of “post-and-panel” construction, using wood posts and Cemesto board (cement asbestos) panels. Second was the unique relationship between FLLW and the Carlsons. Raymond Carlson was editor of Arizona Highways magazine, and a close friend of FLLW. He and his wife were regular visitors to Taliesin West. Shortly after a party celebrating completion of the house, FLLW sent them a gift– a piano that cost more than his design fee for the house. Below are the photos I took of the house. I am sure FLLW would not approve of the color scheme it presently sports!