Sand Island Petroglyphs Gallery
I have visited the Sand Island Recreation Area to look for petroglyphs on two occasions. My first visit was on October 23, 2013 and was a brief visit to the panel near the campground, in the west end of the recreation area. I was pressed for time on this visit, so I only took one photograph of the panel and did not do any exploring. For my blog post about the trip that includes this visit to Sand Island, look here. My second visit to Sand Island was on June 8, 2018. I had read about several large panels at Sand Island that were on the east side of the recreation area that were known as the “Upper Sand Island Petroglyphs”. These panels are accessed by a trail that begins near the restroom located to the east (or left) of the ranger station. For my blog post about the trip that includes my visit to Upper Sand Island in June of 2018, look here. Upper Sand Island contains several different styles of petroglyphs, and the main panel is very well executed and contains some beautiful elements. Unfortunately the sun was not ideal for my visit and there was quite a bit of summer foliage near the San Juan River which also made photographing the very difficult difficult.
The One Photo I Took on My October, 2013 Visit to Sand Island…

The Photos Below Are From My June 2018 Visit To The Upper Sand Island Petroglyph Sites…