(Ortalis vetula)

eBird gives this description of the Plain Chachalaca:  Large chickenlike bird found in brushy woodland. Olive-brown overall with warmer buffy belly and long tail and neck. Bare red moustache is usually hidden. Tail feathers have white tips. Extremely noisy and full of character. Small groups crash through the brush from tree to tree with the grace of a large bulldozer. Often heard “singing” a cacophony of grating shouts and squawks. Feeds mainly on fruit.  All About Birds offers this additional descriptive information: Almost always heard before it is seen, the Plain Chachalaca is sort of a long-tailed, tropical chicken that lives in the treetops. These sandy brown and gray birds walk along tree branches to eat flowers, buds, fruits, and insects. They’re locally fairly common in brushy and thorny forests along streams in the Rio Grande Valley and south into Central America. Though their plumage is subtle, their raucous, rhythmic morning chorus is anything but—a classic sound of the Tamaulipan brushlands that livens up any outing.

I saw a number of Plain Chachalacas during my birding trip to the Rio Grande Valley in June of 2020.   I saw my first one while walking the Mesquite Loop Trail at Laguna Atascosa.  I also saw a pair near the parking lot and took a short video of their raucous behavior.  I also saw a Plain Chachalaca in a tree near the Grebe Pond at Hugh Ramsey Park in Harlingen.  Hope you enjoy my photos and video of this “tropical chicken”!

This was the first Plain Chachalaca I watched at Laguna Atascosa on June 23, 2020. I had to be very patient to get this shot!
This is the same bird from the photo above, after he moved to another tree. You can see the red "moustache" in this shot.
This is one of the two Plain Chachalacas in the video below. This bird appears agitated and the two birds were engaging each other in a boisterous manner...mating activity??
Plain Chachalaca I watched at Hugh Ramsey Park in Harlingen, Texas on June 23, 2020. This was on the trail near the Grebe Pond.
A little different view of the Plain Chachalaca at Hugh Ramsey Park in Harlingen, Texas, June 23, 2020.

A Short Video of Two Plain Chachalacas at Laguna Atascosa NWR on June 23, 2020...

“Cool Facts” About The Plain Chachalaca From All About Birds

  • Although most birds in the Galliformes—such as quail, grouse, turkeys, and pheasants—are ground dwellers, Plain Chachalacas are at home in trees. Their young can cling to branches with both wings and feet as soon as they are dry after hatching.
  • Pairs of Plain Chachalacas give their loud calls in the early morning and early evening. Chachalacas also call when a storm is approaching or there is some other change in the weather.
  • The Plain Chachalaca is the only member of the family of guans, curassows, and chachalacas to reach the United States. The family contains approximately 50 species, ranging from Mexico to southern South America, many of which are endangered because of hunting.
  • Plain Chachalacas have been known to live up to age 8 years in the wild.