The Painted Rock Petroglyph some areas every single rock has art on it!


As of this writing, I have made two visits to the Painted Rock Petroglyph Site.  The first visit was November 29, 2017 and I was alone.  To see my blog post about the trip (titled “A Haphazard Rock Art Trip To Soothe The Soul”) that included that visit to Painted Rock, look here.  My second visit was with my friend Billy Ward on April 2, 2019.  To see my blog post that covers my second visit  to Painted Rock (titled “Training For a Trip to Nowhere”), look here.  On both occasions I enjoyed this site.  Although it is not large, it has an amazing number of petroglyphs, many of which are very nice.  I have posted separate galleries for each of my visits below.  I hope you enjoy my photos!  And, I hope you stop by Painted Rock if you are ever in the area!

The Following Galleries Are From My November 29, 2017 Visit to Painted Rock…

This small hill and boulders is the Painted Rock Site. In the background, to the right, is the other small hill where I also found a few glyphs.

The Following Galleries Are From My April 2, 2019 Visit to Painted Rock…