Newspaper Rock North Galleries


I visited an area of Petrified Forest N. P. that I am calling “Newspaper Rock North” on the late afternoon of Thursday, October 20, 2022.  For details of my visit to this place and to understand why I gave it this name, see my blog.  This is a great area of the park and I hope my photos do it justice.  I also hope you enjoy them as well!

The Photos In These Galleries Were Taken With My Samsung S22 Cellphone

The Photos In The Following Gallery Were Taken With My Nikon D7200 Camera

On my early Fall 2024 rock art trip with my friend Richard, we visited this area of the park on the afternoon of September 23, 204.  My main goal for the visit was to show Richard the main panels and elements I had experienced on previous visits.  Following is a selection of photos from Newspaper Rock North that I took on this visit.