The Cattleguard Site and Some Panels Along the Main Road in Largo Wash
On June 6, 2018, having explored Crow Canyon, Billy and I drove up canyon until we spotted an area that we thought would be interesting to explore. From the road, we could see rock art high up on the canyon walls. Since we parked near a cattleguard, we decided to call this area the cattleguard site. We spent several hours climbing around and exploring. A couple of the areas where we could see art from the road, were not reachable. We didn’t find anything that was mind blowing, but we found some interesting art. Much of the art in this area appeared very old — we did not see anything that looked like the Navajo art we had seen in Crow Canyon. On the way out of the canyon, we stopped at a few areas and found panels that were, for the most part, heavily damaged with graffiti. We surmised that this was because of their close proximity to the original Old Spanish Trail that went through the canyon. Here are some photos from the sites….
Photos From the Cattleguard Site….
Miscellaneous Panels Along the Main Road in Largo…
Miscellaneous Petroglyphs and Historic Grafitti From My April 21, 2022 Visit To Largo With Tori Myers From Salmon Ruin Museum….
Miscellaneous Petroglyphs and Historic Grafitti From My April 22, 2022 Visit To Largo With Tori Myers From Salmon Ruin Museum….