Weatherman Draw, Also Known as Valley of the Chiefs, southern Montana
On the morning of Wednesday, August 29, 2018, Billy Ward and I visited Weatherman Draw, which some call the Valley of the Chiefs. We had spent the night in Greybull, Wyoming, got up early and headed to the site, which is just north of the Wyoming/Montana border. We reached the trailhead fairly early and set out to explore as much of the canyon as we could. We took the first side canyon to the left, and while it looked promising, found nothing. But on the left side of the main canyon just past that first side canyon, we began to find rock art. We spent about five hours, and were a little disappointed that we did not find more art. In the spring of 2019 I ran into Larry Loendorf at a conference. Larry has worked in the canyon, and said that we were a couple of miles “from the really good stuff”. Oh well, we just need to go back at some point in the future. Here are the pictures I took that day — enjoy!