During the great Corona Virus plague of 2020, I decided to take the plunge and become a deliberate bird watcher. Dorothy and I self quarantined for an extended period (two months at the time of this writing), and I was looking for things and activities to occupy my time. In early March, our trip to Rockport (See my blog post entitled “Celebrating 46 Years: Beachcombing and Bird Watching in the Coastal Bend of Texas” under the Blog section of this website by clicking here) rekindled my interest in bird watching. I joined a couple of Facebook groups and found encouragement and inspiration there. I soon noticed the short-hand lingo of “MBY”, or “My Backyard” when people posted pictures of birds they had observed in their yards. I also noticed that many of these pictures were the result of feeders or water features being present on the poster’s yard. So, one day I stopped by Wild Birds Unlimited and bought a bird feeder set-up, designed to withstand assaults by the small bands of squirrels, possums, and raccoons that roam about my place. I spent about a week trying to decide where to place the feeder. I finally picked a spot, and put the feeder up on April 30, 2020. The very next day, I observed my first visitor to the feeder.

I have been disappointed in the number and variety of birds that I have observed visiting my feeder. So, after a couple of days, I went by Birds Unlimited again and purchased two more arms. From one are I hung a peanut feeder, hoping to attract Blue Jays and other larger birds. From the other arm, I hung a suet feeder. In short order, I noticed a new visitor…

I have also started thinking about a simple water feature. From what I have read, and seen (at Warbler Woods, and Sabine Woods) they are very effective at attracting birds. I will keep you posted on my progress in that regard. UPDATE: I ended up ordering a drip kit and a small plastic bird bath from Duncraft. It took them a while to ship these items to me, and in the meantime I went to a materials yard and picked out some small slabs of limestone. Once my bath and drip arrived, I ran the water line and decided to place the water feature in the corner of my backyard near the feeder, but next to the fence. I drilled a small hole in the plastic birdbath so that water drips down onto one of the limestone slabs, then collects in a slight depression in the lowest slab. It took about a week before I saw a bird actually using it, but I am hopeful that as time goes on it will get more use. I will have a separate gallery of photos of birds at the water feature. Click here to see the water feature gallery.

So, the purpose of this page is to share photos of birds from “My Backyard”. I am including birds that I have seen (and photographed) from my backyard, not just in it. Those of you that have visited my place know that our yard and the next door neighbor’s (Rich and MaryAnne Johnson) yard is open, and looks like one yard. The Johnson’s roadside yard (ie out front), has a line of beautiful old pecan trees that are, I believe, very good habitat. In fact, as you will see below, I saw a wood-pecker in one of those pecan trees yesterday, as well as a hawk perched on their wood fence. I have decided to post these pictures by year, so I will start with a gallery 2020. I hope you enjoy!


Well, 2022 has started off very slow when it comes to adding new birds to my Life List or this Backyard List. I took a trip to Utah during the height of spring migration this year, but was able to snag a Golden-cheeked Warbler and a Spotted Towhee at South Llano River State Park on my way. I have started riding my bike (every morning, early, weather permitting), and in late May I began to see a pair of American Crows hanging around the neighborhood. They are crafty characters, and quite shy, but on the afternoon of June 6, 2022 one of them ventured into my backyard and let its guard down long enough for me to get a photo, which you will see below. Also, the day before (June 5, 2022), while riding my bike on Wosnig Road, I spotted and watched a Great Horned Owl– it wasn’t in MBY, but I am going to show it to you anyway!

MBY Birds, 2023