Parkesia motacilla

eBird gives this description of the Louisiana Waterthrush:  Brown-and-white denizen of bubbling streams and brooks. Stays on the ground or in low vegetation, constantly bobbing its rear end up and down. During the breeding season, favors steeper ravines with hemlocks and fast-moving water with lots of rocks to hop on. Much like Northern Waterthrush, but whiter base color below, brighter pink legs, and broader white eyebrow. Distinctly different song: several piercing clear whistles followed by a complex jumble of notes. Call is a loud, metallic chip.  All About Birds offers this further description of this bird:  The ringing song of the Louisiana Waterthrush, in cadence so like the rushing streams that are its home, is one of the first signs of spring in eastern North America. Its brown plumage and bold streaking help explain why this member of the warbler family has the word “thrush” in its name. At all seasons, this species stays close to moving water—especially forested streams and creeks—and bobs its rear end almost constantly. In both spring and fall, Louisiana Waterthrushes are among the earliest migrant warblers.

I saw my first Louisiana Waterthrush at Warbler Pond located in the Warbler Woods Sanctuary in Cibolo, Texas.   I spotted this active little bird right after watching a male Painted Bunting take a bath, noticing it bobbing its rear up and down.  What a cute little bird!

This Louisiana Waterthrush was very active, exploring several parts of the water feature.
Tell-tale tail-up posture.
Nice profile shot.
Grabbing a bite to eat.