(Leucophaeus atricilla)

eBird gives the following description for the Laughing Gull:  Common black-hooded gull of beaches and other coastal areas in summer; found from East Coast of U.S. south to Mexico and northern South America. In winter they retreat from northern parts of their range and head becomes white with gray smudging. Darker gray above than other gulls of similar size. Bill is dark red in summer and black in winter. Sticks to coastal areas, rarely venturing far inland.

Growing up on the Gulf Coast of Texas, I had seen lots of “Sea Gulls”.  Turns out they were probably Laughing Gulls, which I saw and identified on my visit to Bolivar Flats on May 21, 2020.  I have a new appreciation and understanding of this beautiful bird!

A group of Laughing Gulls on the beach at Bolivar Flats, May 21, 2020.
A solitary Laughing Gull on the beach at Bolivar Flats, May 21, 2020.
I saw this Laughing Gull on the road out of Bolivar Flats and was able to get a close shot. May 21, 2020.
The dogged antics of Laughing Gulls on the ferry ride from Bolivar to Galveston are always a treat. Here are a couple catching a ride! May 21, 2020.

“Cool Facts” About the Laughing Gull From All About Birds

  • The male and female Laughing Gull usually build their nest together. If a male cannot find a mate, he may start building a nest platform and then use it to attract a female.
  • The Laughing Gull is normally diurnal, or active during the day. During the breeding season it forages at night as well. It usually looks for food along the beach at night, but will also hover to catch insects around lights.
  • The adult Laughing Gull removes the eggshells from the nest after the eggs hatch. If the shells are not removed, a piece can become lodged on top of the slightly smaller unhatched third egg and prevent it from hatching.
  • Nest colonies in the northeastern United States were nearly eliminated by egg and plume hunters in the late 19th century. Populations have increased over the last century, following protection.
  • The oldest known Laughing Gull was at least 22 years old when it was killed in Maine in 2009, the same state where it had been banded in 1987.