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Large-footed Finch Gallery
Large-footed Finch Gallery
Large-footed Finch
Pezopetes capitalis
eBird gives this description of the Large-footed Finch: Large sparrowlike bird; entirely olive with contrasting gray head and black face. Range does not overlap with other similar-looking sparrows and brushfinches. Often found in pairs or small family groups, usually scratching through leaf litter or low in a tangle in the forest understory. Loud song often heard at dawn. Sexes alike.
The Birds of the World website introduces this bird with the following descriptive information:
Large-footed Finch, or saltón patigrande in Spanish, is the sole member of the genus Pezopetes and is confined to the highlands of Costa Rica and westernmost Panama, where it occurs in the forest understory, second growth and brushy, overgrown pastures mostly between 2,150 and 3,350 m. It is a large, long tailed, chunky sparrow, with very large legs and feet, but a seemingly out of proportion slender bill. The large feet are used to scratch for seeds and insects on the forest floor, although the birds also pluck small fruits. Large-footed Finch is overall a rather dark plumaged bird, having a mostly black head and throat, becoming grayer over the nape, with a largely olive body and wings, paler and more yellowish on the underparts. Large-footed Finch generally is common, but it is somewhat unobtrusive, due to its preference for densely vegetated areas, such as ravines.