Keep River National Park Rock Art Galleries
I visited Keep River National Park on the afternoon of Sunday, September 15, 2019, and the following morning, Monday, September 16, 2019. Sunday afternoon I hiked out to the Jenemoom Shelter. There is a little rock art at the shelter, but some nicer panels and elements are found at alcoves that are accessed before you reach the shelter. The next morning I was out at the park early, and hiked out to the Nigli Gap site, which, being honest about it, was a little disappointing. I spent a couple of hours exploring the area, but respected the signs restricting entry into a nearby area. I also stopped back by the Jenemoom walk and took some additional photos in the morning light. Later, I learned from Lee Scott Tribute that the main panel at Keep River was closed in 2008 after being badly damaged by a fire. I thought about going back out there a third time, but decided not too as Lee said it would also be a disappointment due to the damage. Below are pictures of the rock art I took at Keep River — I hope you enjoy them!

The galleries above were from my first visit to Jenemoom. The small gallery below is from my visit to Jarnem Walk and the Nigli Gap rock art site. The Nigli gap was very disappointing, as you can see from the photos.
After visiting Jarnem and Nigli Gap, I returned to Jenemoom to take photos and make a video in the morning light. Below are photos from that second visit.
All of the galleries (and video) above were made at Keep River with my Samsung S9 cell phone. The photos below were taken with my Nikon D7200 camera…