Guess Family Barbeque
2803 Franklin Ave., Waco, Texas
254 313-3436
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ (Five Out of Ten Hearts)
I stopped by Guess Family Barbeque a little after 11:00 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, December 5, 2021. The parking lot was already filling up when I arrived and I counted over twenty patrons inside the restaurant. I was not impressed with the physical facility. There was no outside seating, and the overall impression I had was of an older, well-worn cafeteria. I ordered a sliced brisket sandwich to eat for lunch, and a half pound each of brisket, ribs, and cheese sausage to take home for Dorothy and I to test, which we did on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Dorothy liked this barbeque better than I did. She liked the flavor of the ribs and of the sauce. I found the ribs a little tough, and the brisket was not really super tender. I did like the sausage, and my link had an ample amount of tasty cheese. In fairness, the fact that we tasted this barbeque after two days on ice probably had a detrimental effect. But when I ate the sliced brisket sandwich on the day of purchase, I was not that impressed. For one thing, there was not a lot of brisket on the sandwich, and it was sliced thin. Bottom line, it was serviceable barbeque, but nothing extraordinary — it would not be my first choice for barbeque while in Waco. Here area few photos.