Green-breasted Mango

Anthracothorax prevostii

Here is how eBird describes the Green-breasted Mango:  Large, bulky hummingbird with slightly arched black bill. Favors forest edge and open areas with scattered tall trees. Often perches and feeds high in canopy, but also feeds low on occasions and will visit feeders. Male (some females similar) solidly dark, deep green overall with black throat, purplish tail. Female and immature have broad dark stripe down center of throat and breast, white tail corners. Immature also has rusty mottling along sides of throat and breast.

The Birds of the World site has this introductory information about the Green-breasted Mango: 

The Green-breasted Mango is a polytypic species with four subspecies currently recognized that are distributed from eastern Mexico south to northwestern Panama, on a few islands in the western Caribbean, and in northeastern Colombia and northern Venezuela. The formerly known Anthracothorax prevostii iridescens is now a subspecies of the Black-throated Mango (Anthracothorax nigricollis).

It is a large and robust hummingbird with a stout, slightly curved bill. The male is mostly deep green with a purple tail. The female and immature are green above and have whitish median underparts with a dark central stripe . The older adult female may look more like the adult male. The sex of completely black and green individuals may be established, with caution, by reviewing the tail pattern and shape; see Plumages, Molts, and Structure).

The Green-breasted Mango is relatively common and widespread in most of Central America. It is also relatively common in Providencia Island and San Andrés islands. The southern populations often are local and uncommon or rare. As is typical of mangos, the Green-breasted Mango primarily occurs in open lowland habitats with broadleaf trees including mangroves, forest edges, and urban areas. Male mangos sing from high perches, repeating a twangy song three or four times in a row. When feeding on insects or nectar, these mangos frequently fan out their tails. The Green-breasted Mango is very similar to the Veraguan Mango (Anthracothorax veraguensis) and Black-throated Mango.

I saw, and attempted to photograph, my first Green-breasted Mango at Donde Copé on the morning of February 5, 2023.  I am embarrassed that I did not get a decent photo, but I am including it anyway, since it was good enough for identification purposes.  To see my blog about my Costa Rican trip that includes my visit to Donde Copé and this bird, look here