Gninglig Rock Art Galleries
I visited this site on Monday afternoon, September 23, 2019, on my way from Ellenbrae Station to Kununurra. I had originally planned to visit the site on my initial drive out the Gibb River Road on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, but was daydreaming and found myself 10 kilometers beyond the site before I new it. This site is on El Questro property but they do not allow visitors. Fortunately I had permission to visit the site through the traditional owners and their representative. It was a nice Wandjina site, and I regret that I did not have more time to fully explore the area, as I am sure there is more to see. It is my understanding that the main panel is associated with a men’s initiation site located much higher up the large rock formation. Hope you enjoy my photos of this special place!

The photos and video above were taken with my Samsung S9 cell phone. The photos below were taken at the Gninglig Site with my Nikon D7200 camera…