At the Fish Creek Panel, south of Torrey, Utah; July 17, 2019.


Early on the morning of July 17, 2019, I drove from Torrey, Utah to the Fish Creek Site, which is about 12 miles south of town.  I was excited to visit this site —  I had heard it described as “…the best site you have never heard of…”.  Based on my experience that day, I agree with that sentiment.  The site is large (many, many elements), diverse (petroglyphs and pictographs), and stunning.  There is also an interesting landscape to explore, including a nice little waterfall.  I had a great morning at this site.  Hope you enjoy my photos!

Photographing this site was a challenge.  It was so large, and the sun marching across the cliff face made things difficult, but I had fun trying.  It is such an interesting site…the interplay between pictographs and petroglyphs is amazing.  Everywhere you look, there are interesting details.  Back to the photos.  This next set covers the area to the right of the shield pictured above.  First there is another shield, then seven very large zoomorphs all in a line, with petroglyphs in, around and below most of them.  Here we go…

After photographing most of the site in the shade and part of the site in full sun, I set out to explore the area around the site.  I found a few more panels, and a small cave with a couple of pictographs on another face of the mountain where the site is located.  I hiked for about two hours, including a hike to a waterfall about a mile and a half from the site.  It was a wonderful morning!  After returning to the site I took a few more pictures in full sun, then headed out to Capitol Reef for more hiking and exploring.  This last gallery includes some more pictures of the rock art and some pictures of my hike.

And, to conclude my Fish Creek Gallery, here are a few shots from my Samsung S7 cellphone.  In case you haven’t figured it out, I really enjoyed the half day that I spent in this area…wonderful rock art, beautiful landscapes, and great hiking!

Don't think I have seen this before...this petroglyph appears to depict an arrow in flight!
I almost forgot...there was a nice boulder with features (metates) at the site.
One big rock! Hoping this photo helps convey the size of the rock that served as the canvas for the art gallery. This is around the corner from the site.
Yours truly at the little waterfall. A true oasis in the high desert, and a great place to cool off!
View from the trail, headed back to the rock art site from the waterfall. The rock art is on the back side of the large rock (a little mountain?) straight ahead.