Etna Cave Pictographs Gallery (Rainbow Canyon)
I visited Rainbow Canyon early on the morning of Tuesday, November 5, 2019. The “barebones” guide that I had downloaded from the internet indicated there were four rock art sites in the canyon. I was only able to locate one of the sites, that being the first one, or Etna Cave. After I left Rainbow Canyon I stopped at the BLM office in Caliente and picked up the more detailed guides. I think with the more detailed guides I would have located all three sites without a problem, but I decided not to go back into the canyon but head on to Mount Irish.
I did not not have details of where to find Etna Cave, only that it was 14.9 miles from the intersection of Highway 93 and the road into the Canyon (SR 317). There was a creek and some caves on the east side of the road so I searched that area first. I then crossed the road and searched the cliffs on the west side of the road without luck. I was about to give up when I ran into a railroad worker who told me I needed to go through the tunnel to get to the cave. Once I went through the tunnel, I easily found the pictograph panel below the cave and the cave itself. Here are some of the pictures I took that morning.