Yours truly in front of part of the main panel at Elbrock Ranch, April 26, 2018.

Elbrock Ranch Pictographs Gallery

I visited the pictograph site at Elbrock Ranch on the morning of April 26, 2018.  See my blog post for the details of how I discovered this site.  It was an adventure just getting to the site, which is located near the rear of the Elbrock Ranch.  Once there, I enjoyed visiting the main alcove and exploring the area around it.  It was a small and colorful site, with mostly geometric designs.  It was in very good condition and I do not believe it was as old as most of the rock art sites I visit.  I hope you enjoy the photos and videos I took that day!

I also made a short video of the rock art I saw on the Elbrock Ranch.  The video puts the art in better context with the landscape and the several sets of grinding holes in the area.