Collared Aracari
Pteroglossus torquatus
eBird gives this description of the Collared Aracari: An attractive small toucan of tropical lowland forest and edge. Usually found in small groups moving through the canopy of fruiting trees or seen flying, one at a time, across clearings and between trees. Flight rather direct and fast, when long-tailed and long-billed shape is distinctive. Note the yellow body with red and black markings, and the serrated pattern on the big bill.
The Birds of the World site provides this introductory information about this beautiful bird: The northernmost of all Pteroglossus, Collared Aracari ranges from central Veracruz, Mexico south through northern Venezuela and western Ecuador. It is a medium-sized frugivore, found in a variety of wooded habitats including wet lowland primary forest, second growth, forest patches, and plantations of coffee, cacao and fruits, generally below 1000 meters. Collared Aracaris customarily travel in groups of 3 – 10 individuals in the subcanopy and canopy. When flying between fruiting trees or calling they are easily detected, but they can be overlooked when quietly feeding or at the nest.
I saw my first Collared Aracari on the afternoon of Sunday, February 5, 2023, at a small bird sanctuary named Nectar & Pollen. As our tour group waited from someone to come unlock the gate, we spotted a Collared Aracari briefly perched in a tree quite some distance from where we were waiting. Once inside the preserve, a Collared Aracari made a brief appearance at the blind and I was able to get a much better photograph. What a beautiful little Toucan! To see my blog post that includes our group’s visit to Nectar & Pollen, look here.
I also got to watch, and photograph, a Collared Aracari at La Selva on the morning of February 7, 2023. What unique and colorful birds these are! Below is a photo of the Collared Aracari I saw at La Selva.