Chestnut-headed Oropendola
Psarocolius wagleri
eBird describes the Chestnut-headed Oropendola like this: Rather large, dark, yellow-tailed bird of humid evergreen forest and edge in tropical lowlands. Where present, colonies of large pendulous nests adorn tall trees. Often in flocks, usually in forest canopy at fruiting trees. Male is much larger than female, but sexes look similar, with a dark, rich brown head and body, blackish upperparts, pale yellowish bill, and bold yellow tail sides. Flight much quicker than larger Montezuma Oropendola, with deep, rather swooping wingbeats that produce a rushing sound.
The Birds of the World site has the following introductory information about this bird: The Chestnut-headed Oropendola is found from Middle America, where it ranges from southeast Mexico south over the Caribbean slope south to South America, as far as northwest Ecuador. Adults are largely black with a chestnut head, rump, and ventral underparts, a yellow tail (except for the dark central feathers), and bright blue eyes. The all-pale bill possesses a noticeable casque and in flight the species appears strikingly long-winged. This oropendola is sometimes classified in its own genus, Zarynchus, based on the bird’s small size, large frontal shield, and long primaries, while the species’ bowing courtship display is also quite unlike those of other oropendolas.
I met my first Chestnut-headed Oropendola during my tour group’s visit to Donde Copé on the morning of February 5, 2023. We saw several of these beautiful birds while visiting the blind. They seemed to be very attracted to the fruit that Copé had put out at the feeders. Below are a few of my pictures. To see my blog post that includes our visit to Donde Copé and our visit with this bird, look here.