Posts filed under: Rock Art Excursions

Rock Art Excursions

Training For a Trip to Nowhere (Spring 2019 Rock Art Adventure)

As has become our custom each Spring, Billy and I set out for a modest adventure in search of rock art in early April of 2019.  We had planned to...

A Quick Trip To Meyers Spring

On February 23, 2019, I was fortunate to visit Meyers Spring.  This site had been on my radar for several years, but, because it is on a private ranch, access...

A Weekend of Adventure and Learning — The 2019 TAS Rock Art Academy

On February 16 and 17, 2019, I headed out to El Paso to attend the Texas Archeological Society Rock Art Academy.  I was excited to attend this event, for several...

Las Vegas Never Disappoints…

I have always liked Las Vegas.  Dorothy and I took one of our first trips as young marrieds to Sin City.  It was a simpler place and a simpler time...

In Search of a Boy and His Dog

From the moment I saw my first picture of a Dinwoody Style petroglyph on the internet, I was hooked.  As I researched the Dinwoody Style, I knew I needed to...

Largo — At Last!

In January, 2015, I spent a few days in Big Bend Ranch State Park.  On my first night at the park, I met a couple from Golden, Colorado.  They were...

A Trip To Paradise

For a number of years, I have suffered from the obsession that somewhere out there is a small ranch that I was meant to own.  I have dragged Dorothy to...

March 2018 Solo Trip: Filling In the Gaps of My Rock Art Resume

Billy and I had made tentative plans to return to Nine Mile Canyon in March of 2018 to camp and thoroughly explore that beautiful canyon.  Billy had a change in...

A Haphazard Rock Art Trip To Soothe the Soul

The fall of 2017 was a challenging time.  After Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Coast on August 25, 2017, my life was turned upside down.  After the high water from...

A Rock Art Trip To Remember…

For quite some time, my friend Billy Ward and I had been considering a trip focusing on the magnificent rock art sites found in the northern part of Utah.  For...