Buff-throated Saltator Gallery

Saltator maximus

The Birds of the World website introduces the Buff-throated Saltator with this description:  The Buff-throated Saltator is the English name for the neotropical bird Saltator maximus. The Buff-throated Saltator has a stout, finch-like bill, and traditionally was classified with the cardinals and grosbeaks, Cardinalidae. Recent research reveals that saltators are embedded within the tanager radiation (Thraupidae). Saltators are generally arboreal birds with subdued color patterns and coloration, but usually have a bold superciliary. The Buff-throated Saltator is one of the more widespread members of the genus, and occurs from southern Mexico south to northern Bolivia and southeastern Brazil.

I saw, and photographed, my first Buff-throated Saltator on the morning of August 21, 2023.  I was walking a trail in Parque Mãe Bonifácia in Cuiabá, Brazil, when I spotted this bird perched in a tree near the trail.  Look here to see the details of my trip to Brazil that included the sighting of this bird.  Here are a couple of photos I took that morning.