Buckhorn Draw Petroglyphs Galleries
On the afternoon of March 22, 2018, I set out from Castledale, Utah (after visiting the museum there), headed for the iconic Buckhorn Wash Pictograph Site. I took State Road 401 (Green River Cutoff Road) east to State Road 332 (Buckhorn Draw Road) which then headed south. For my blog post that includes my visit to the sites in this gallery, look here. It was not long before I saw my first two petroglyph sites, both of which were small and located near MM 27 on Buckhorn Draw Road. The first site had a beautiful anthropomorph with a couple of unusual elements nearby. This site was badly defaced with graffiti but a stunning work none-the-less. In fact, the site is sometimes called “The TDK Petroglyph Site” because near the petroglyphs someone used bullet holes to spell the initials TDK. Here are photos of that first site.
The TDK or Birdman Panel Gallery…

Almost directly across the road from the Birdman (TDK) site is a boulder with a few petroglyphs. Some people call this the “Black Rock Petroglyph Site” because of the dark patina on the rock. The authenticity of these petroglyphs have been questioned, while others think they were made by Indians who ambushed travelers (and their livestock) at this point along the Old Spanish Trail. Here are a few photos from this site.
The Black Rock Petroglyph Panel Gallery…

The Big Petroglyph Panel Gallery…
Around the corner (at MM 26.7) from the TDK and Black Rock Sites is the Big Panel, also known as the Hidden Panel, or the Buckhorn Cattleguard Panel. This site is a much larger panel than the first two and has some very impressive elements. There are also a few pictographs mixed in with the petroglyphs. Here are some of the photos I took of this very nice panel.

A Little Bonus– A Really Nice Dinosaur Track!
A short distance from the three sites presented above is a really nice dinosaur track. It is up on a shelf near the road at MM 27.5. I don’t know anything about dinosaur tracks, but this is one of the nicest I have ever seen!