(Sula leucogaster)
eBird describes the Brown Booby this way: Large seabird of inshore tropical waters, often seen from beaches off the Pacific coast, sometimes just beyond the breakers. Usually plunge-dives from a shallow angle, much closer to the water than the Blue-footed Booby. Breeds in colonies on offshore islands, nesting on the ground. Head, neck, and upperparts are solidly brown, except for adult males from Mexican Pacific coast populations which have a whitish head and often an entirely whitish neck. Adult has well-demarcated white belly and immature has a variably mottled brown belly that rarely looks solidly brown below. All About Birds adds this basic description: Found in tropical oceans around the world, the Brown Booby is a dashing seabird—both in plumage, a natty brown-and-white (with bright yellow feet) and in flight style, which involves swift aerial maneuvers and deft dives. Brown Boobies do not nest on the United States mainland but often visit waters off Florida or California. They occasionally stray as far north as Canada, and sometimes well inland. Like most seabirds that nest on islands, Brown Boobies are very vulnerable to introduced predators such as rats, mice, and cats.
I had honestly never heard of a Brown Booby until Tuesday morning, June 9, 2020. A Facebook friend posted a picture of this bird and said he had seen it Sunday evening at Canyon Lake Dam. He also explained a little about the bird and how rare it is to see one this far inland. I decided to drive up to Canyon Dam that evening and see if I could locate the Brown Booby my friend had seen. I located the bird and was able to take some pretty nice photos, considering the distance and light. I returned home feeling pretty good about myself!
“Cool Facts” About the Brown Booby From All About Birds…
- Like many seabirds, Brown Boobies have a serrated, comblike toenail on their middle toe called a “preen-claw.” Boobies use it, along with their bill, to spread waterproofing oil from a gland in the tail throughout the feathers when preening.
- The Brown Booby is the only ground-nesting booby that regularly builds a substantial nest.
- Like all boobies and pelicans, the Brown Booby’s feet are “totipalmate,” having webbing connecting all four toes.
- Male and female Brown Boobies generally look alike in plumage color, except along the Pacific coast of the Americas, where the males have light gray to white heads.
- The oldest recorded Brown Booby was a 26-year-old male.