(Antigone rubicunda)

eBird describes the Brolga as a tall pale gray crane with grayish legs and red bare skin on head that does not extend down the neck.  Note red dewlap under chin.  Juvenile is gray-headed, with immature birds developing a pink crown. Found in wetlands, floodplains, and grasslands across northern and eastern Australia.  Take care to identify from Sarus Crane.

I visited Australia in September of 2019 and saw Brolga in two different areas.  The first was in Mt. Borradaile, located across the river from Kakadu National Park in Arnhemland.  I saw Brolga in the marshy areas along the billabongs on several occasions.  A week and a half later while in the Kimberly area I saw another Brolga while hiking along the King Edward River.  The spot where I saw this Brolga was not that far from the famous Brolga Site of the Munurru Rock Art area.  This site has a large pictograph featuring two Brolgas, paced head to head in a horizontal position.

A pair of Broga, Mt. Borradaile, September 13, 2019.
Magnficent! Mt. Borradaile, September 13, 2019.
Heading off into the Australian sunset!
The solitary Brolga I encountered along the King Edward River, September 19, 2019.
This fellow really didn't want to have anything to do with me!
Off we go! King Edward River, September 19, 2019.

A Little Video I Made Of The Brolga I Encountered At The King Edward River...