(Stix varia)

eBird provides this description of the Barred Owl:  Large owl, mottled brown and white. Rounded head lacks ear tufts. Black eyes. Listen for its instantly recognizable “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all” call. Favors large, mature forests with deciduous and coniferous trees, often near water. Hunts small animals at night; however, is more active during the day than other owls.  All About Birds provides this additional description:  The Barred Owl’s hooting call, “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?” is a classic sound of old forests and treed swamps. But this attractive owl, with soulful brown eyes and brown-and-white-striped plumage, can also pass completely unnoticed as it flies noiselessly through the dense canopy or snoozes on a tree limb. Originally a bird of the east, during the twentieth century it spread through the Pacific Northwest and southward into California. 

Dorothy and I bought our lakefront property on Lake McQueeney on April 1 of 1999.  Shortly thereafter, I was in the back yard (i.e., the lakeside yard) cleaning up and noticed something lying in the grass at the base of a large, dead cottonwood tree, located on the north fence line of our property.  I went over to take a look and found a baby owl, covered in downy fur/feathers.  It appeared to me to be large for a baby bird.  I just assumed that if I left it alone, the mother would retrieve it and put it back in the nest.  I was wrong, and, after several hours, I began to fear for the life of the baby owl.  A series of phone calls lead me to a wild animal rescue operation in the Geronimo area.  I explained the situation, and the lady came right over and retrieved the baby owl.  When I asked what I owed her, she said nothing, but she asked me to not take down the dead cottonwood tree for at least a couple of months because “I can almost guarantee there is another baby up there”.  She also cautioned against letting Bobo (our miniature dachshund/chihuahua) out at night because “the mother of this baby is capable of snatching him right up”.  I did give her a nice donation, and she left.  Several months later, I got a card from her, and she told me that she was able to save the bird and eventually release it into the wild.

Over the years, I have often heard the owls at night, but had never made an effort to actually see, much less photograph them.  On the morning of Sunday, April 19, 2020, I was up early and decided to sit on the back porch and enjoy the peace and quite.  Much to my surprise and enjoyment, a Barred Owl paid our back yard a visit. The bird perched in the pecan tree near our deck for a while, then flew down to the yard and appeared to eat something from the grass.  It then flew up to one of the pecan trees down by the water and perched there for a while, before flying and perching up high in a tree next door.  I went inside and retrieved my Nikon with a 300 mm lens and was able to take a couple of photos, even though there was virtually no light just before sunrise.  Below are the photos I took.  I hope to get some better shots of a Barred Owl in the future!

This was the best I could do with the distance and lack of light. The right side of the barred owl is visible as he looks into my yard.
This shot is looking at the back of the owl.

On May 22, 2020 I had the opportunity to visit the Houston Audubon Raptor Education Center (HAREC) to learn about and photograph a number of the raptors that live there.  One of the birds I got to experience was a Barred Owl named Juliet.  Seeing these birds up close was an amazing experience that I will not soon forget!

Mary Anne Weber, Director at HAREC, with Juliet, one of two Barred Owls that live at the facility. May 22, 2020.
This is Juliet, a Barred Owl found injured along the Brazos River, now residing at HAREC. May 22, 2020.
Juliet, in a more candid pose! May 22, 2020 at HAREC.
Signage that tells a little of Juliet's story. HAREC, MAy 22, 2020.

Early on the morning of June 12, 2020, I was able to get some photos of the Barred Owl that visits my yard, for details of my game of cat and mouse we played that morning, see my blog.  Here are some of the pictures I took that morning.  

You can't hide from me! Barred Owl that I tracked on the morning of June 12, 2020.
He was quite well camouflaged, and would occasional lower his head and look in my direction.
One eye of the Barred Owl is visible as he peeks out from his hiding spot.

Just after dawn on the morning of Wednesday, July 1, 2020, I was delighted to be able to watch and photograph the Barred Owl that sometimes comes by my yard.  This morning I spotted him in one of the Pecan trees out front and, instead of immediately flying off as he usually does, he remained perched for about ten minutes.  He then flew to my front gate, went down and got a lizard, then flew to the top of my light post to eat his breakfast.  He then flew to a higher spot in a Pecan tree.  He remained there for a little while, until the cry of a Red-shouldered Hawk encouraged him to move on.  The light was not great, but I managed a few passable photos…

This is where he was perched when I first spotted him on the morning of July 1, 2020.
Perched on the light post by my front gate, right after he finished eating the lizard he caught.
Final perch before he moved on. July 1, 2020 at Lake McQueeney.

My experiences with the Barred Owl as outlined above gave me a much better idea where and when to look for him.  After my July 1, 2020, sighting, I was able to watch and photograph this Barred Owl in my front yard on July 7, July 10, and July 19, 2020.  Shortly after the July 19 sighting, my neighbor did some substantial trimming on the Pecan Trees where the bird likes to perch.  I went just over two weeks without seeing the Barred Owl, and I was starting to worry that this change in habitat caused him to abandon this area for some of his morning hunts.  I was relieved to spot him on the morning of August 3, 2020, back in his normal area.  I watched him for about 30 minutes…what a relief and what a blessing!  Below are a couple of pictures of my friend. 

Barred Owl visiting my front yard on July 19, 2020.
I was so happy to see my friend the Barred Owl on the morning of August 3, 2020. I had missed him!

Barred Owl “Cool Facts” from the All About Birds Site…

  • The Great Horned Owl is the most serious predatory threat to the Barred Owl. Although the two species often live in the same areas, a Barred Owl will move to another part of its territory when a Great Horned Owl is nearby.
  • Pleistocene fossils of Barred Owls, at least 11,000 years old, have been dug up in Florida, Tennessee, and Ontario.
  • Barred Owls don’t migrate, and they don’t even move around very much. Of 158 birds that were banded and then found later, none had moved farther than 6 miles away.
  • Despite their generally sedentary nature, Barred Owls have recently expanded their range into the Pacific Northwest. There, they are displacing and hybridizing with Spotted Owls—their slightly smaller, less aggressive cousins—which are already threatened from habitat loss.
  • Young Barred Owls can climb trees by grasping the bark with their bill and talons, flapping their wings, and walking their way up the trunk.
  • The oldest recorded Barred Owl was at least 24 years, 1 month old. It was banded in Minnesota in 1986, and found dead, entangled in fishing gear, in the same state in 2010.