“Cheer Up!” I told myself as I got up this morning. The Black Dog has been nipping at my heels these last few weeks, and on some days I felt like he had succeeded in taking a chunk out of my soul. This morning’s solution? Take a long walk….so I loaded my pack and set out. Dorothy and Bitsy accompanied me until we got to the Ski Lodge where they turned around and headed for home while I headed for IH 10.
I knew that it was 4 miles out and back to IH 10 from the Post Office at McQueeney (on FM725) and that the two large hills would provide a little elevation work. I wanted to spend “time in the saddle” today, focusing on a leisurely pace and spending time in my loaded pack versus looking for speed. I stopped at the Post Office and found that my travel company had sent me some items (a hat, a t-shirt, luggage tags and a water bottle), but no travel documents or vouchers, which I have been waiting to receive. I headed toward IH-10 and when I got there stopped at Arby’s and got four slices of bacon as a snack. That significantly brightened my spirits- EVERYTHING is better with bacon!
On a grassy slope near the intersection of IH-10 and FM 725, I saw my first Bluebonnets of the Spring. There weren’t very many, but they were vibrant and beautiful!
The walk, the bacon, and the bluebonnets brightened my mood considerably. Upon return home, my GPS indicated I had walked 10.15 miles and ascended 685 feet.
September 27, 2018 4:45 pmWhere can I purchase the shirt Will work for bacon that’s in your ad here. I am desperate. Please let me know a website or company.
November 21, 2018 8:44 amI saw this at an Arby’s in the San Antonio, Texas area- it was being worn by the employees that day. See https://arbys.com/ So sorry about the delay in answering your inquiry. Have a great Thanksgiving! Tom McC