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A Quick Trip To Meyers Spring

On February 23, 2019, I was fortunate to visit Meyers Spring.  This site had been on my radar for several years, but, because it is on a private ranch, access...

Protected: Meyers Spring Message

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A Weekend of Adventure and Learning — The 2019 TAS Rock Art Academy

On February 16 and 17, 2019, I headed out to El Paso to attend the Texas Archeological Society Rock Art Academy.  I was excited to attend this event, for several...

Protected: An Alamo Canyon Message

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Protected: Greetings From Grapevine Canyon

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Las Vegas Never Disappoints…

I have always liked Las Vegas.  Dorothy and I took one of our first trips as young marrieds to Sin City.  It was a simpler place and a simpler time...

Poetry Soothes the Soul and Stimulates the Mind….

Over the years, we have enjoyed certain poems -- they have become our favorites.  They inspire, they stimulate, they paint beautiful pictures in the mind.  Here are a few that...

Protected: A Christmas Stocking Story By Dede

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Protected: Bitsy’s Daily Bon Goo

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Protected: Saying Goodbye to the KAKUS and to a Dream

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