I headed east from Lake McQueeney at 6:30 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, May 21, 2020. My first stop was at Salt Lake, near Luling, where I was hoping...
The Corona Virus Pandemic of 2020 affected many lives, mine included. After returning from our little trip to Rockport in early March to celebrate our 46th anniversary, Dorothy and I...
But the week before our Anniversary, Dorothy committed to driving to the coast to spend a few days celebrating our 46th. Here is my attempt to give you a little...
Your grandmother and I celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary with a short trip to Rockport and Port Aransas, down on the coast. We enjoyed great seafood, bird watching, and relaxing....
I have never been a particularly gifted athlete, and concentrated physical activity has never been anything that I particularly enjoy. As a result, it is a constant battle to stay...
For a number of years, I have been meaning to visit the pictograph site near Paint Rock, Texas. When I lived in San Angelo during the early 1980s, I heard...
On Sunday, November 24, 2019, I headed into San Antonio to visit the Briscoe Western Art Museum. It was a perfect day to enjoy this hidden gem. The museum was...