The Honanki Site Rock Art Galleries
After visiting Palatki on the morning of April 6, 2019, Billy and I headed over to Honanki. The road was a little worse than the road to Palatki but not bad- dodging Japanese tourists in ATVs was the main hazard. Once to the parking lot, a short hike to the base of the cliff brought us to the ruins. Honanki is the second largest cliff dwelling in Verde Valley (Montezuma Castle is the biggest) and is the definitive example of Sinagua dwellings during the Honanki Phase (A.D. 1050 – 1350). It is also home to over 2,000 elements of pictographs- the largest and most diverse collection in the Verde Valley. The site was mapped in 1895 by Archaeologist Dr. Jesse Fewkes of the Smithsonian Institute. We enjoyed our visit and the rock art at the site, and hope you enjoy our photos! The photos in the first gallery were taken with my Samsung S7 cellphone, while the rest of the galleries were taken with my Nikon D7200. If you would like to read my blog about the trip that includes my visit to Honanki, look here.