Tom McCoppin + Curation = McCuration
A site about Rock Art, Birding, Archaeology, Modest Adventures, and a Special area called “KAKU Kingdom” for my Grandchildren.
Tom McCoppin: I am a lawyer, rock art aficionado, birder, armchair Archaeologist, husband, friend, uncle, and grandfather. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and partner, steadfast friends, mentors who helped me learn what was important in life, two lovely daughters, two not-so-lovely son-in-laws, and five beautiful grandchildren. I got bored with retirement, so went back to school and graduated from Texas State with an Anthropology degree, where my emphasis was on Southwest Archaeology. I enjoy hiking and backpacking, usually to archaeological sites. I also enjoy travel and modest adventure. During the social distancing required by the Covid 19 pandemic of 2020, I began bird watching in earnest. I have a lot to learn, and experience, but I am having fun and making progress. On September 9, 2020, out newest grandson John David Gerth was born. What a blessing! I am also sober, by the Grace of God, since June 15, 2010. Coming up on 11 years…God is Good!
Curation: noun cu·ra·tion \kyəˈrāshən\ a pulling together, sifting through, and selecting, for presentation of content. This site, its pages, and blogs, is my attempt to present and preserve a portion of the content of my life. Not all the content of course, because, like most people, much of my life was, and is, mundane. My focus will be on those portions of my life that excite, inspire, motivate, and otherwise help me live my life to good purpose. It is my hope that this site might inform and inspire others in some small way.
About “KAKU Kingdom”: Some years back, we were suddenly and unexpectedly not allowed contact with our four oldest grandchildren. The way things stand, I do not expect that I will get to see them again before I leave this earth. I wanted these four grandchildren to know a little about me, and I wanted a way to express the steadfast and enduring love Dorothy and I have for them. Although I am hopeful that our oldest grand child will have an independent memory of us, I am afraid the younger ones may not remember the good times we had with them — so I wanted a way to help them remember us, and the many good times we had. To this end, I have created a private area on this site for them. It is my hope they will be curious about us and our absence from their lives, and will find their way to this website some day. Grandkids — there are clues in the public area posts of my website that, if you look closely, will allow you to figure out the password. If you can’t figure out the password to KAKU Kingdom from these clues, contact my friend Brady Miller (Marietta, Georgia) or my nephew Chris Burleigh (Orangefield, Texas), and they will help you! Don’t give up trying to crack the password, I promise you what lies on the other side will be worth it!